im going to draw skullkid in sketch pad

on October 13, 2015

on October 12, 2015

you're on
on October 11, 2015

on October 11, 2015
on October 11, 2015

hey guys im on and bored pm me ill do anything rp talk anything just really bored and sad
on October 11, 2015

Damion got in trouble

Where is he going to be back? I really need him right now! My uncle is at my house and I really need him right now! :((
on October 05, 2015
on October 05, 2015

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it
on October 05, 2015

on September 29, 2015

Staying on qfeast rates;
1=Delete your account
2=Not liked that much
3=Your liked but some users don't notice you
4=Enjoy talking to you
5=Almost popular and is a good friend
6=Is someone to cherish so don't leave qfeast! See More
7=Is a a nice person who supports others so stay on qfeast
8=Don't delete your account because we will miss you
9=If you leave we leave as well
10=Your a great valued member to qfeast so never leave it
Posted by @Electpurr_the_electric_cat
1=Delete your account
2=Not liked that much
3=Your liked but some users don't notice you
4=Enjoy talking to you
5=Almost popular and is a good friend
6=Is someone to cherish so don't leave qfeast! See More
7=Is a a nice person who supports others so stay on qfeast
8=Don't delete your account because we will miss you
9=If you leave we leave as well
10=Your a great valued member to qfeast so never leave it
Posted by @Electpurr_the_electric_cat
on September 29, 2015


Ben5389 So basically, I like or well loved this girl irl for about almost three years and then I told her I liked her but for the whole time I've known her. She didn't do anything so I left it alone for a couple of weeks and I asked her out but ended up running before she could tell me, but she told my sister that she said no. And I got really upset and we hung See More out for like a month and then she told my sister that she likes me about 4 on a scale from 1-10 so I got happy, but I found out that she likes girls more than guys and she liked someone. But she was single again and it was left alone and now I just found out she has a boyfriend.
Copied and pasted
Copied and pasted
on September 28, 2015
on September 28, 2015

who wants me to upload more of what i draw?
on September 12, 2015