John 8:12
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Comments (9)

So, according to this I'm a hipster wannabe, a dumb follower, a poser/fake geek girl, a prude, a slob, vain, and a social justice warrior. Right....

Apparently I need to love myself, I'm a slob, stereotypical and stupid, a fake geek girl, a dumb follower, and a social justice Warrior.

xD Wow.
on July 17, 2015

Not all feministis are like that. Although you did just describe me. xD
on July 17, 2015

Yeah, I'm a slob too. But oddly enough I'm not a feminist in any way shape or form. That doesn't mean I don't think women should have rights, its just that I don't really go out and say "WOMENS RIGHTS BITTTCH"
on July 17, 2015

I do consider myself a feminist though.
on July 17, 2015

Stereotypes suck. Although I do admit to being a slob. I'm not vain because there's nothing to be vain about but I am over-confident.
on July 17, 2015
on July 17, 2015
on July 17, 2015

2 of those I agree on. That's the stereotypical one and the slut. But overall I agree with that whole thing. I don't do or think it myself coz I'm not an ass, but I know people who do. It is true people do this.
on July 04, 2015