My mom's so cool.
She's been skydiving, to a Green Day concert, pretty sure she's seen Muse, she's done marathons and triathlons. She's an awesome skiier, she's skateboarded, goes on rollercoaster with me. She's so strong and awesome and I love her so much. ❤
She's been skydiving, to a Green Day concert, pretty sure she's seen Muse, she's done marathons and triathlons. She's an awesome skiier, she's skateboarded, goes on rollercoaster with me. She's so strong and awesome and I love her so much. ❤
on April 26, 2016

I went to mcdonalds last night at like 10 and complained about being fat to my friends and everyone hates me. sorry
on April 24, 2016

my dad's in the hospital ):
on April 24, 2016

Call it what you want
Call it what you want
I said just call it what you want
Call it what you want
Yeah we're locked up in ideas
We like to label everything
Well I'm just gonna do here what I gotta do here See More
'Cause I gotta keep myself free
You're ducking and moving just to hide your bruises from all your enemies
And I'm in the crossfire dodging bullets from your expectancies
We've got nothing to lose
You better run and hide
Yeah you've crossed the line
I've got a knife behind my back (just sayin')
We've got nothing to prove
Your social guides give you swollen eyes
But what I've got can't be bought so you can just
Call it what you want
Call it what you want
I said just call it what you want
Call it what you want
You've taken your words and you take your judgments
And stick them onto everything
If it don't conform to what you were born into,
Then you run the other way
You say, "now what's your style and who do you listen to?" who cares?
Well that rat race ladder-climbing fake-face smile's got nothing on me
We've got nothing to lose
You better run and hide
Yeah you've crossed the line
I've got a knife behind my back (just sayin')
We've got nothing to prove
Your social guides give you swollen eyes
But what I've got can't be bought so you can just
Call it what you want
Call it what you want
I said just call it what you want
Call it what you want
Call it what you want
I said just call it what you want
Call it what you want
Yeah we're locked up in ideas
We like to label everything
Well I'm just gonna do here what I gotta do here See More
'Cause I gotta keep myself free
You're ducking and moving just to hide your bruises from all your enemies
And I'm in the crossfire dodging bullets from your expectancies
We've got nothing to lose
You better run and hide
Yeah you've crossed the line
I've got a knife behind my back (just sayin')
We've got nothing to prove
Your social guides give you swollen eyes
But what I've got can't be bought so you can just
Call it what you want
Call it what you want
I said just call it what you want
Call it what you want
You've taken your words and you take your judgments
And stick them onto everything
If it don't conform to what you were born into,
Then you run the other way
You say, "now what's your style and who do you listen to?" who cares?
Well that rat race ladder-climbing fake-face smile's got nothing on me
We've got nothing to lose
You better run and hide
Yeah you've crossed the line
I've got a knife behind my back (just sayin')
We've got nothing to prove
Your social guides give you swollen eyes
But what I've got can't be bought so you can just
Call it what you want
Call it what you want
I said just call it what you want
Call it what you want
on April 23, 2016

If you ever feel down
Just remember that ur eyebrows are probably better than mine
Just remember that ur eyebrows are probably better than mine
on April 23, 2016

Someone just rang my doorbell and ran away and now I'm waiting with my phone to call the cops if they come back
on April 23, 2016

*throws up bc of cringe*
on April 21, 2016

Beverly Hills,
That's where I want to be.
Beverly Hills,
Rolling like a celebrity.
Beverly Hills.
That's where I want to be.
Beverly Hills,
Rolling like a celebrity.
Beverly Hills.
on April 21, 2016

My favorite movie is School Ties
My favorite TV show is the Real O'Neils and/or Game of Thrones
My favorite color is green
My favorite book is the Bourne Identity
My favorite superhero is Batman or Spiderman
My favorite actor is Matt Damon
My favorite sport is cross country or baseball See More
My favorite baseball team is the Houston Astros
My favorite animal is turtles or gazelles
My favorite Disney princess is Mulan
My favorite country is Austria
My favorite school subject is history or math
My favorite TV show is the Real O'Neils and/or Game of Thrones
My favorite color is green
My favorite book is the Bourne Identity
My favorite superhero is Batman or Spiderman
My favorite actor is Matt Damon
My favorite sport is cross country or baseball See More
My favorite baseball team is the Houston Astros
My favorite animal is turtles or gazelles
My favorite Disney princess is Mulan
My favorite country is Austria
My favorite school subject is history or math
on April 17, 2016

⚫finals making me want to kill myself
⚫today my friend put sliced cucumbers down my bra and back of my shirt bc she thought it was the funniest thing since 9/11 ((pls don't take tht to heart I'm just feeling rlly salty rn and need to get this out))
⚫my friends humiliated me in spanish and now we're gonna fail our project bc all they do is put pictures of brock o'hurn on the final product
⚫school sucks
⚫i hate everyone, but im trying so hard to b optimistic bc my life is rlly easy See More compared to others' imo
⚫today my friend put sliced cucumbers down my bra and back of my shirt bc she thought it was the funniest thing since 9/11 ((pls don't take tht to heart I'm just feeling rlly salty rn and need to get this out))
⚫my friends humiliated me in spanish and now we're gonna fail our project bc all they do is put pictures of brock o'hurn on the final product
⚫school sucks
⚫i hate everyone, but im trying so hard to b optimistic bc my life is rlly easy See More compared to others' imo
on April 15, 2016

Tfw you lose like ten followers for no reason but u don't care bc life is okay rn ;D
on April 13, 2016

Lmao if you look at my old pictures I looked like a cinnamon roll but now if you see my more recent ones I'm uglg and fat kms
on April 13, 2016

When I'm on my period I get like super moody and emotional and I get rlly bad PMS. Also my butt hurts like rlly bad wth
When I'm on my period I get like super moody and emotional and I get rlly bad PMS. Also my butt hurts like rlly bad wth
on April 13, 2016

on April 13, 2016

Should I tell the guy I like that I like him? All my friends irl said I should, but this is the people that think it's funny when I try talking to someone and turn tomato red or fall on my face in the hallway ;_; I'm gonnaose my confidence soon, and idk if I should just text him or not

@Rainbow_Sweater_Unicorn yeah me too. It's Complicated. Tbh I don't think that theres even a name for whatever I am
on April 13, 2016
on April 13, 2016

Am I literally the only person in this website who watches/watched Fooly Cooly even thOUGH I'VE RECOMMENDED IT MULtIPLE TIMEs
Eh tbh I don't care that much, it's just I only have one friend irl who watches it and I have no one to talk about it to ;_;
Eh tbh I don't care that much, it's just I only have one friend irl who watches it and I have no one to talk about it to ;_;
on April 09, 2016