The Black Keys -Gold On The Ceiling
The Black Keys -Gold On The Ceiling (No Copyright Intended)
on April 02, 2015

If you live your life in fear
It's true!
So true!
When it's in the skies are bright and clear
Oh, every day of every year
The sun shines bright in this big blue sphere
So go and put a banana in your See More
It's true!
So true!
When it's in the skies are bright and clear
Oh, every day of every year
The sun shines bright in this big blue sphere
So go and put a banana in your See More
on March 28, 2015

Marie Antoinette wasn't a bad person. She was young and misunderstood.
on March 28, 2015

Epic has 4 letters.
Sax has 3 letters.
Seven was the name of a movie with Brad Pitt in it
Brad Pitt. See More
Brad Pitt is an actor.
Morgan Freeman is also an actor.
Morgan Freeman was in the movie Lucy.
Lucy was directed by Luc Besson.
Luc Besson also directed The Fifth Element.
Ununquadium is an element.
Ununquadium has 11 letters
Eleven is a rock band from Los Angeles.
Los Angeles is in California.
California is in the United States.
The United States is a counrty.
Moldova is also a country.
Is this suspicious?
I thought so!
Country has 7 letters
The word letters has 7 letters.
Red Sox baseball player Jim Rice was number 14.
Rice is a food.
Chicken-fried steak is also a food.
Food backwards is doof.
The word backwards backwards is sdrawkcab.
sdrawkcab backwards is backwards.
The word backwards has 9 letters.
The word word has 4 letters.
9-4 is 5.
There are 5 rings on the Olympics logo.
The 2012 Olympics were held in London.
London is in England.
Worcestershire is in England.
Worcestershire sauce is brown.
Llamas are sometimes brown.
Llamas are animals.
The angora rabbit is an animal.
Rabbits are small.
The iPhone 3 is small.
Apple invented the iPhone.
Steve Jobs was the CEO of Apple.
Steve Jobs is dead.
Millard Fillmore is also dead.
Millard Fillmore was the 13th president.
13 is unlucky.
Black cats are unlucky.
Black cats are black.
Black is a color.
Red is a color.
Red has 3 letters.
Triangles have 3 sides...
Lul. I've posted this before.
Epic has 4 letters.
Sax has 3 letters.
Seven was the name of a movie with Brad Pitt in it
Brad Pitt. See More
Brad Pitt is an actor.
Morgan Freeman is also an actor.
Morgan Freeman was in the movie Lucy.
Lucy was directed by Luc Besson.
Luc Besson also directed The Fifth Element.
Ununquadium is an element.
Ununquadium has 11 letters
Eleven is a rock band from Los Angeles.
Los Angeles is in California.
California is in the United States.
The United States is a counrty.
Moldova is also a country.
Is this suspicious?
I thought so!
Country has 7 letters
The word letters has 7 letters.
Red Sox baseball player Jim Rice was number 14.
Rice is a food.
Chicken-fried steak is also a food.
Food backwards is doof.
The word backwards backwards is sdrawkcab.
sdrawkcab backwards is backwards.
The word backwards has 9 letters.
The word word has 4 letters.
9-4 is 5.
There are 5 rings on the Olympics logo.
The 2012 Olympics were held in London.
London is in England.
Worcestershire is in England.
Worcestershire sauce is brown.
Llamas are sometimes brown.
Llamas are animals.
The angora rabbit is an animal.
Rabbits are small.
The iPhone 3 is small.
Apple invented the iPhone.
Steve Jobs was the CEO of Apple.
Steve Jobs is dead.
Millard Fillmore is also dead.
Millard Fillmore was the 13th president.
13 is unlucky.
Black cats are unlucky.
Black cats are black.
Black is a color.
Red is a color.
Red has 3 letters.
Triangles have 3 sides...
Lul. I've posted this before.
on March 28, 2015
on March 28, 2015


My friend told me people are committing suicide because of that @SydneyIsALlama @TurtleFluff
on March 30, 2015

on March 28, 2015
on March 27, 2015

Hair color: Caramel (Blonde)
Skin color: Pale/semi-tan
Shirt color: Dark grey
Pants color: Black
Shoes color: Black
Any hats: Cat ear hoodie
Color of hat: Grey See More
Long or short hair: Long
Skin color: Pale/semi-tan
Shirt color: Dark grey
Pants color: Black
Shoes color: Black
Any hats: Cat ear hoodie
Color of hat: Grey See More
Long or short hair: Long
on March 27, 2015

5+ Likes & I'll confess my, A B C 's
A- Available:
B- Birthday:
C- Crushing On:
D- Drink you last had:
E- Easiest person to talk too:
F- Favorite song: See More
G- Grossest memory:
H- Hometown:
I- In love with:
J- Jealous of:
K- Killed someone:
L- Longest friendship:
M- Middle Name:
N- Number of siblings:
O- One wish:
P- Person who called you last:
Q- Question you're always asked:
R- Reason to smile:
S- Song you last sang:
T- Time you woke up:
U- Underwear color:
V- Violent moment you had:
W- Worst habit:
X- # of x-rays you had:
Y- Your last kiss:
Z- Zodiac sign:
A- Available:
B- Birthday:
C- Crushing On:
D- Drink you last had:
E- Easiest person to talk too:
F- Favorite song: See More
G- Grossest memory:
H- Hometown:
I- In love with:
J- Jealous of:
K- Killed someone:
L- Longest friendship:
M- Middle Name:
N- Number of siblings:
O- One wish:
P- Person who called you last:
Q- Question you're always asked:
R- Reason to smile:
S- Song you last sang:
T- Time you woke up:
U- Underwear color:
V- Violent moment you had:
W- Worst habit:
X- # of x-rays you had:
Y- Your last kiss:
Z- Zodiac sign:
on March 26, 2015

xc Owies. I juts got my braces on.

That seems like you'd need the child's consent for me to leave her alone too :p besides, you're leaving soon, who will take care of her when you leave her behind?
on March 27, 2015
on March 26, 2015

Tokyo Ghoul RP
you live in tokyo, and the ghouls are everywhere. You are a human trying to live or a ghoul trying to find food. good luck (this is a rp)
on March 26, 2015

on March 26, 2015

Hai, buddeh. :3 Le meh is back.

on March 26, 2015
on March 25, 2015

..... My best friend is officially homophobic...
on March 21, 2015

on March 21, 2015