BalletBear uploaded a photo
When you used to be popular on Qfeast now no one cares if you dropped off the face of the earth...

on April 08, 2017

Being a writer low key sucks. I want people to like my writing, but I also want people to be honest, but also I'm super sensitive about my work, but also I'm super sensitive when no one reads my work, but also I wanna keep writing but also I'm like, why bother because no one cares, but also this story and characters have so much potential and like, I don't even know anymore. All I want is someone to read my stuff... :((

I know that feel man. *hugs*
on April 02, 2017
on April 02, 2017

BalletBear asked a question

What's something you want to read about? It's been a while since I've been on here, but...
on March 31, 2017

BalletBear added a new chapter to An Assortment of Poems

Some old--Some new
Some soft--Some rough
The patches of the beautiful creation we made to together
Shake out the dust-- air it out
It’s time to add another patch
Another stitch--another thread
Where’s the needle?
Up and down
Down and up
Fill in the holes and gaps
Patch up the rips and tears we made
Another stitch--another thread
Remedy the pain left behind
Wrap me in your warmth again
Another stitch--another thread
New fabric to weave stronger
And new stitches and threads to... Read Full Chapter
Some soft--Some rough
The patches of the beautiful creation we made to together
Shake out the dust-- air it out
It’s time to add another patch
Another stitch--another thread
Where’s the needle?
Up and down
Down and up
Fill in the holes and gaps
Patch up the rips and tears we made
Another stitch--another thread
Remedy the pain left behind
Wrap me in your warmth again
Another stitch--another thread
New fabric to weave stronger
And new stitches and threads to... Read Full Chapter
on March 23, 2017

BalletBear added a new chapter to The Enemy Says Good Morning
I stoke the flames with one hand and push some loose strands of my hair back up into my cap. The jolly sound of camaraderie and a fiddle fills the inn’s main room and makes me smile. The smell of stew and stale alcohol mixes in the air along with the earthy smell of mud from the sweet rain outside. I stand up and see Captain Crawford sitting with his men at one table speaking in quiet tones. Lieutenant Gray seems disinterested in whatever bawdy joke Lieutenant Martin is making. Captain Crawfo...
Read Full Chapter
on March 19, 2017

BalletBear added a new chapter to The Enemy Says Good Morning
The Red Coat
“Thank you, girls,” I call to my sisters as they cross the lawn carrying the washing. I place one hand on my hip and use the other to shade my eyes from the noonday sun. Abigail is perfectly capable of carrying the basket herself, but little Cornelia loves playing the little woman, helping about the inn and Abigail is good natured enough to entertain her.
“Here, Elinor,” grunts Abigail. I smile at them.
“Much obliged, dear girls,” I say.
“Mother has one more basket!” Cornel... Read Full Chapter
“Here, Elinor,” grunts Abigail. I smile at them.
“Much obliged, dear girls,” I say.
“Mother has one more basket!” Cornel... Read Full Chapter
on March 14, 2017

BalletBear added a new chapter to The Enemy Says Good Morning
Of Men and Money
I startle slightly and prick my finger on my needle as I hear my name called. I place my embroidering hoop down and rush out into the main room to see my mother.
"Yes, Mother?" I say, rubbing the small drops of blood into the corner of my apron.
"Will you go with Thaddeus to town and buy some things for me? I would go myself, but there is too much to be done here."
My stomach jolts at the thought of Thaddeus, our stable man. He is a man of perhaps nine an... Read Full Chapter
I startle slightly and prick my finger on my needle as I hear my name called. I place my embroidering hoop down and rush out into the main room to see my mother.
"Yes, Mother?" I say, rubbing the small drops of blood into the corner of my apron.
"Will you go with Thaddeus to town and buy some things for me? I would go myself, but there is too much to be done here."
My stomach jolts at the thought of Thaddeus, our stable man. He is a man of perhaps nine an... Read Full Chapter
on February 19, 2017

BalletBear added a new chapter to An Assortment of Poems

Goodbye From Me And My Conscience
You came back? he asks
Yes I came back, says I.
And what do you think? he asks with no emotion, save for curiosity.
Nothing, says I.
You have been here many times before? he asks me.
Indeed, I have spent many a joyous and woebegone days here, says I. Memory is such a painfully beautiful thing.
You left once, he says.
Yes, says I.
What for? he asks to me.
I was tired, says I.
You went for a long time, he says.
I did, says I.
And you missed this place? he asks.
I missed it, says I.
And it m... Read Full Chapter
Yes I came back, says I.
And what do you think? he asks with no emotion, save for curiosity.
Nothing, says I.
You have been here many times before? he asks me.
Indeed, I have spent many a joyous and woebegone days here, says I. Memory is such a painfully beautiful thing.
You left once, he says.
Yes, says I.
What for? he asks to me.
I was tired, says I.
You went for a long time, he says.
I did, says I.
And you missed this place? he asks.
I missed it, says I.
And it m... Read Full Chapter
on August 23, 2015

I think I'm single because I never forwarded those chain messages in middle school. You know, the ones where you had to forward the message, say your crush's name, and sell your soul or else you'll never meet your true love? That! That is why I'm single!

on July 22, 2015
on July 22, 2015

People: *Snaps* You don't need no significant other to make you happy!
Me: I don't NEED a luxury sports car, but would it be nice to have one? Yes! Yes, it would!
Me: I don't NEED a luxury sports car, but would it be nice to have one? Yes! Yes, it would!
on July 21, 2015

Hey girl! Dragon said you commented on his pic and we all want to hear from u!
on July 19, 2015

on April 20, 2015

on April 20, 2015

(It's a rock!)
(It's a rock!)
on April 20, 2015