AwesomeGirl123's Polls - Page 2
AwesomeGirl123 published 47 polls
Do you go to Bernado Heights Middle School (BHMS)
WHich is ur favorite school grade?
Are u gonna visit ur teacher(s) one school starts again
Is the last day of school a happy day, sad day, or both!
DO u <3 those solar city- at home with ra ads?
WHich is the best song to play on the last day od school?
choose an idea to do with ur bff when theres 12 school days of school left!
How many more SCHOOL days until the last day of school? Tell me exactly how many school...

D u <3 eidelweis bakery?
do u have a xboz 360
hi or bye :)
Doctor or Dentist

Which is the best FRED movie
Which is the most mouth watering sweet?
Coke or pepsi? (1)
Are you Jewish, Christan, or Hindu?