AwesomeGirl123 asked a question
How do I make friends at ballet class? hey i just joined a new dance center and i wanna...
on May 04, 2015

AwesomeGirl123 asked a question

How to get sick at school? Hey. So I dont wanna go to school tomorrow or ballet, so i f...
on May 04, 2015

AwesomeGirl123 created a poll

Would you rather be the tallest person in the world or be the smallest person in the wo...
on May 03, 2015

AwesomeGirl123 asked a question
how do you erase colored pencils? ok so my mom ruined my card by drawing colored pencil...
on May 01, 2015

AwesomeGirl123 asked a question
Just Courious hey. i hjust wanna know if you trvel to a different to a different countr...
on May 01, 2015

Look at my quiz results! What about you? Check this Quiz out it's AWESOME
on May 01, 2015

when i found out i have a b in math.
on April 30, 2015

AwesomeGirl123 asked a question
Should I go to school tomorrow? Ok so a lot of kids are going to an 5 day overnight cam...
on April 28, 2015

on April 22, 2015