i feel like my story is about to take a very, very dark turn soon
i'm not making it like this i swear it's just happening
i'm not making it like this i swear it's just happening
on May 24, 2016

2 likes and I will tell:
Kissed someone:
Been Drunk:
Cried Myself to Sleep:
Self harm:
Felt lonely: See More
Been depressed:
Biggest fear:
Dream Job:
Dream Car:
Dream place:
Like someone:
Love someone:
Want a boyfriend/girlfriend:
Have a tattoo:
Have a piercing:
TV Show:
Kissed someone:
Been Drunk:
Cried Myself to Sleep:
Self harm:
Felt lonely: See More
Been depressed:
Biggest fear:
Dream Job:
Dream Car:
Dream place:
Like someone:
Love someone:
Want a boyfriend/girlfriend:
Have a tattoo:
Have a piercing:
TV Show:
on May 24, 2016

on May 24, 2016

so there's this guy that my sister is becoming friends with i guess because he's in her band and i don't like him
i really just don't even though i've never actually seen him
my sister even told me that she feels weird around him because he's so forward and flirts /a lot/ and he uses really foul language and is just all around really rude, calling her 'hoe' and things like that
i keep telling her to say something about that, but she refuses to and they're going to start being See More together a lot when the band stuff is situated, and I'm kind of worried about it
i really just don't even though i've never actually seen him
my sister even told me that she feels weird around him because he's so forward and flirts /a lot/ and he uses really foul language and is just all around really rude, calling her 'hoe' and things like that
i keep telling her to say something about that, but she refuses to and they're going to start being See More together a lot when the band stuff is situated, and I'm kind of worried about it
on May 23, 2016

5+ Likes for
Favorite Color: Dark blue like the colour of the mourning souls i consume
Crush: nah
Single or Taken: single because im p lame
Sexuality: Demi-pansexual
Age: can you put an age on the timeless being that i am
Hair color: reddish brown See More
1 secret: i like the taste of blood
1 thing about myself I absolutely hate: my lack of motivation
Favorite thing to do: write
Last song I listened to: She Is A Witch (Madoka Magica soundtrack)
Last thing I wrote, drew, etc....: a chapter for Day's End
Person I love the most (if has one): no one
Ever done something stupid: um yes who hasn't
T.V Show I watch all the time: The Walking Dead
Favorite Fandom: prob Kuroshitsuji
Qfeast Friends: @Kanya888 and @StridersGonnaStride
Best time of my life: i don't think i've reached that point yet
Shoe size: 7
Favorite Color: Dark blue like the colour of the mourning souls i consume
Crush: nah
Single or Taken: single because im p lame
Sexuality: Demi-pansexual
Age: can you put an age on the timeless being that i am
Hair color: reddish brown See More
1 secret: i like the taste of blood
1 thing about myself I absolutely hate: my lack of motivation
Favorite thing to do: write
Last song I listened to: She Is A Witch (Madoka Magica soundtrack)
Last thing I wrote, drew, etc....: a chapter for Day's End
Person I love the most (if has one): no one
Ever done something stupid: um yes who hasn't
T.V Show I watch all the time: The Walking Dead
Favorite Fandom: prob Kuroshitsuji
Qfeast Friends: @Kanya888 and @StridersGonnaStride
Best time of my life: i don't think i've reached that point yet
Shoe size: 7
on May 23, 2016

5+ Likes for
Favorite Color:
Single or Taken:
Hair color: See More
1 secret:
1 thing about myself I absolutely hate:
Favorite thing to do:
Last song I listened to:
Last thing I wrote, drew, etc....:
Person I love the most (if has one):
Ever done something stupid:
T.V Show I watch all the time:
Favorite Fandom:
Qfeast Friends:
Best time of my life:
Shoe size:
Favorite Color:
Single or Taken:
Hair color: See More
1 secret:
1 thing about myself I absolutely hate:
Favorite thing to do:
Last song I listened to:
Last thing I wrote, drew, etc....:
Person I love the most (if has one):
Ever done something stupid:
T.V Show I watch all the time:
Favorite Fandom:
Qfeast Friends:
Best time of my life:
Shoe size:
on May 23, 2016

how can people have multiple crushes??
maybe it's just because i have like zero social experience especially with crushes but
maybe it's just because i have like zero social experience especially with crushes but

Life advice kids, when finding a romantic partner and if you ever fall in love with two people, focus on the second, because if you were in love with the first you wouldn't have fallen for the second.
on May 23, 2016
on May 23, 2016

im still excited even though all im going to do this summer is sleep and read just like normal
haha i have no friends :' )
haha i have no friends :' )
on May 23, 2016

on May 23, 2016

Angry_German_Kid added a new chapter to Day's End
The hallway was wide and dark, much too dark for them to see with their naked eye, which was why all three of them were huddled close together and dependent upon a single torch. The stench and the peculiar crunch of their footsteps made them uncertain if they even wanted to know what was in front of them, but look they certainly did. Books, carts, and chairs were scattered throughout the walkway; books laid open with their pages torn, and carts and chairs were toppled over and broken. ...
Read Full Chapter
on May 21, 2016

i need to rant really badly or at least just talk but kan-kan is gone : (

Okay, but it's about things that I've been thinking about for a while. Not good things; really bad things. Are you sure?
on May 21, 2016
on May 21, 2016

and i skipped a grade a while back, so it's not like i'd be really out of place
on May 20, 2016

wow okay so my mother won't let me redo this school year even though i'm clearly not doing well
i don't want to just barely get by; i want to do it well
i don't want to just barely get by; i want to do it well
on May 20, 2016

on May 20, 2016

on May 20, 2016

tfw you look at a test and you can't even answer the first question
on May 20, 2016

in response to the finals coming soon my teacher just said, "There's a light at the end of the tunnel, but it might be a train [if you're not prepared]."
its definitely a train
its definitely a train
on May 20, 2016

ive decided that with the money i've earned by working on a farm for a week i will buy a jug of maple syrup
on May 20, 2016