on March 10, 2020

thats it- im going back to one meal a day.

I'm sorry you have been hurt
I'm sorry you want to leave
I'm sorry you failed them
but you will NEVER fail me See More
and i will remember you
and i will live for you
cuz i ate breakfast today
I'm sorry you have been hurt
I'm sorry you want to leave
I'm sorry you failed them
but you will NEVER fail me See More
and i will remember you
and i will live for you
cuz i ate breakfast today
on March 10, 2020

I'm so sorry...
I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you
I'm sorry for the pain and suffering you went through
I'm sorry for not being there enough for you, to the point where you want to kill yourself See More
I'm sorry for failing you like I failed Kasey and Rebecca
When your in Heaven
Don't forget about me
You will be in my heart forever
I promise
I'm so sorry...
I'm sorry for everything that's happened to you
I'm sorry for the pain and suffering you went through
I'm sorry for not being there enough for you, to the point where you want to kill yourself See More
I'm sorry for failing you like I failed Kasey and Rebecca
When your in Heaven
Don't forget about me
You will be in my heart forever
I promise
on March 10, 2020
on March 10, 2020

i would kill myself but im SICK which means im with my sick mom and shes EVERYWERE...
on March 09, 2020

on March 09, 2020

omg i got to pet a wolf and got accepted into their pack!!!!!!!!!
best fuking day ever!!
best fuking day ever!!
on March 08, 2020

They pulled up to the Hotel, making Annia shiver, the fur on her back raising. They walked inside, there was no one. there was a storm raging outside, soaking their fur. they checked in and went to their rooms. Annia was settling in when she heard a tapping on the window. she pulled back the curtain and screamed. There was a hanging rope outside her window.
"Step wrong and it'll happen to you." said a voice. but there was no one there. She didn't look at her window for the rest See More of the night. when she woke up in the morning, her mom was lying on the floor, a knife in her heart. Annia screamed.
"Step wrong and it'll happen to you." said a voice. but there was no one there. She didn't look at her window for the rest See More of the night. when she woke up in the morning, her mom was lying on the floor, a knife in her heart. Annia screamed.
on March 06, 2020

Sorry i missed my weekly Love At first shot new chapter post, i was moving this week and i was reallllly busy on wensday.
on March 06, 2020

on March 06, 2020

on March 06, 2020

If dogs are MAN's best friend, then does that mean cats are WOMAN's best friend?
i just blew your mind.
i just blew your mind.
on March 06, 2020

She took a step into the ivy. there was no one else there. Stary, her German Shepard, stepped in with her, lifting her paws nervously. "Come on, Stary," Tianna said quietly. her dog was her only companion, the only one that believed her. Tianna lived in her imagination, though she did see what no one else saw. she saw the demons, the fallen angels, the spirits that walked the world. now she was stuck there. in real life she was unconscious, but she didn't know that. One leaped See More at her with a horrible screech. she lifted her sword to meet it, flinging it off to the side with her powers.
on March 05, 2020

so i will be posting short story bits for your enjoyment and bc i dont have enough to make a story on here :/
on March 05, 2020