Hello! Thanks for the follow! I hope we get along, fellow Proxy!

rainbow dash, fluttershy, DJ POn3 and octavia are my favorites but princess luna is my most favorite
on April 18, 2017

Rainbow Dash, Doctor Whooves, Vinyl Scratch (DJ P0n3), and Octavia Phillieharmonic are my favorites.
on April 18, 2017
on April 18, 2017

on March 31, 2017

During high school, I have to run to class like this:
E=E=E= \(-_-)/
E=E=E= \(-_-)/
on March 30, 2017


on March 26, 2017
on March 26, 2017

Yo, I was wondering, who on here would wanna date me? It's just a maybe, doesn't mean that I will ask them out.
on March 25, 2017

on March 13, 2017

I have a COD Ghosts mask. Should I post a picture of it tomorrow?
on March 08, 2017

Hey! Thank you for the follow! I hope we can get along very well!
on March 07, 2017
on March 07, 2017

Hey, wanna talk in PM? I wanna get to know you better, like all of my followers, so I know what to do and what not to do around you. Also, so people won't be able to get anything that you don't want them to get.
on March 07, 2017
on March 06, 2017

Alcor_The_Dreambender uploaded a photo
This is a scene in the movie Doctor Strange. There is an Avengers easter egg. Tell me if you see it

on March 03, 2017

Does anyone talk to me anymore?
on March 03, 2017

on February 28, 2017