
on February 20, 2015

on February 20, 2015

She rarely gets on, and she won't really get on at all while she's in school this year, its her hardest year of school
on February 20, 2015
on February 20, 2015

*sings like Anna* Do you wanna build a snowman ? or ride our bikes around the halls i never see you anymore come out the door and STOP PLAYING WITH YOURSELF! we used to be best buddies and now were not i wish you would stop sleeping with hiiiiiiiiiiiiim! do you wanna build a snowman or are you going to keep sleeping with your boyfriend? ok byyyyyyyyyyyyyye!
(this is for elsa)
0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 do you laik meh pretty song?
(copyright DarkStar 2015)
(this is for elsa)
0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 do you laik meh pretty song?
(copyright DarkStar 2015)
on January 14, 2015

on January 12, 2015

members group chat!
many people asked qfeast that if they can make a system for a group chat but qfeast said they cant, the only thing you can do for group chatting is on the members chat room. so i decided to make a page for group chatting! have fun! but listen! only if ur a member, then u could join the chatting!
on January 06, 2015

my all besties!!! wish u a happy new year!!!!!! 2015~!~!~!
~sent this to a qfeaster who is ur a bestie!
~started by @jafrin !
~sent this to a qfeaster who is ur a bestie!
~started by @jafrin !
on December 31, 2014

on November 30, 2014

:p here ya go pawa
Comment which one applies :3
(๏_๏) - I stalk you
(¬_¬ - You should go away
(∩ -∩ ) - I really like you
(° o ° - you shock me
(^ 3 ^) - I want to kiss you See More
(>^ ▽^) > - I want to hug you
(°Д°) - You scare me
( T_T ) - You annoy me
( ~_~; ) - I’m too shy to talk to you...
( ・・; ) - How did I end up here?
(UnU) - you never talk to me
( >∇< ) - we should rp!
(≧∇≦) - Your beautiful
(^///^) - I love you
(X ~ X) - Deactivate
I shall take any answers you have.
Comment which one applies :3
(๏_๏) - I stalk you
(¬_¬ - You should go away
(∩ -∩ ) - I really like you
(° o ° - you shock me
(^ 3 ^) - I want to kiss you See More
(>^ ▽^) > - I want to hug you
(°Д°) - You scare me
( T_T ) - You annoy me
( ~_~; ) - I’m too shy to talk to you...
( ・・; ) - How did I end up here?
(UnU) - you never talk to me
( >∇< ) - we should rp!
(≧∇≦) - Your beautiful
(^///^) - I love you
(X ~ X) - Deactivate
I shall take any answers you have.

hmmm... thats kinda sweet... i told u i'll get diabetes soon XD *hugs u a lot more than usual*
on November 04, 2014
on November 04, 2014

Comment which one applies :3
(๏_๏) - I stalk you
(¬_¬ - You should go away
(∩ -∩ ) - I really like you
(° o ° - you shock me
(^ 3 ^) - I want to kiss you
(>^ ▽^) > - I want to hug you See More
(°Д°) - You scare me
( T_T ) - You annoy me
( ~_~; ) - I’m too shy to talk to you...
( ・・; ) - How did I end up here?
(UnU) - you never talk to me
( >∇< ) - we should rp!
(≧∇≦) - Your beautiful
(^///^) - I love you
(X ~ X) - Deactivate
I shall take any answers you have.
(๏_๏) - I stalk you
(¬_¬ - You should go away
(∩ -∩ ) - I really like you
(° o ° - you shock me
(^ 3 ^) - I want to kiss you
(>^ ▽^) > - I want to hug you See More
(°Д°) - You scare me
( T_T ) - You annoy me
( ~_~; ) - I’m too shy to talk to you...
( ・・; ) - How did I end up here?
(UnU) - you never talk to me
( >∇< ) - we should rp!
(≧∇≦) - Your beautiful
(^///^) - I love you
(X ~ X) - Deactivate
I shall take any answers you have.
on November 02, 2014

Pipos Doll Animation
Animation story base on Pipos doll character :) Meet Pipos at DollPaCa 2013 in Bangkok !! Pipos website : http://piposland.com/ DollPaCa event website : www....
on September 12, 2014

Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)> ♣<(*.*)>♣( づ ^・△・^ )づ <(^^< )
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812
Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)> ♣<(*.*)>♣( づ ^・△・^ )づ <(^^< )
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812

on November 04, 2014
on September 10, 2014

~Send this to a qfeaster you would like to meet in real life~ (Started by CrystalDiamond2323)
on August 29, 2014

~Send this to a qfeaster you would like to meet in real life~ (Started by CrystalDiamond2323)
on August 29, 2014

~Send this to a qfeaster you would like to meet in real life~ (Started by CrystalDiamond2323)
on August 29, 2014

Had to delete the old Celestrians so I made a new one! 4 New chapters right now and make sure to reread some chapters because there are changes and now there's music that goes along with some chapters!
Had to delete the old Celestrians so I made a new one! 4 New chapters right now and make sure to reread some chapters because there are changes and now there's music that goes along with some chapters!

Look around you, do you see wings? In this world, Angels and Demons are only the begining
on August 23, 2014

new story...i need caracters!
this new story is called touhou,its a action anime story!
these r the caracters,u can pick!but quikly people can get it first then
oh!and also this is just for cap 1!but if u pick a caracter u stay!as that caracter..ok anyways oh!and im just gonna say names k
reimu hakurei
marisa kirirsame
letty whiterock
aya shameimaru
kana anaberal
patchouli knowledge
youmu konpaku
sakuya izayoi
yuyuko saigyouji
hong meiling
wriggle nightbug
well thats all for episode 1 of caracters
remember u pick a caracter u stay as that carcater k?
anyways bye!
on August 17, 2014