Shamchat: Don't be yourself!
A conversation between Petra Ral (PetraHan?) and that cat that was sleeping on the stairs while the titans were fighting not giving a fuck .
on July 13, 2015

Shamchat: Don't be yourself!
A conversation between Petra Ral and I am a toe.
on July 13, 2015

What even was this.

Shamchat: Don't be yourself!
A conversation between Petra Ral and Eren Jaeger.
on July 13, 2015

Can I lick you eyes? :3
on July 13, 2015

Rico Brzenska is way too underrated.
She needs more love.
Plus she's really hot.
She needs more love.
Plus she's really hot.
on July 13, 2015

"I'd rather be hated for who am I rather than be loved for who I am not."
~Kurt Cobian~<3
~Kurt Cobian~<3

Yes he was.
Appearently his unplugged album when they did it live some people think that it was set up kind of like a funeral
Appearently his unplugged album when they did it live some people think that it was set up kind of like a funeral
on July 13, 2015
on July 13, 2015

HELLO welcome here on THIS HAPPYdrama forum community site =)=)=) of Qfeast =)=)=) i hope you can HAVE wonderful time=)=)=) here meeting thousand friends=)=)=) YAY here and enjoy the fun =) times here in site YAY
on July 13, 2015

Shamchat: Don't be yourself!
A conversation between Petra Ral and Tree (Tree x Petra? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)).
on July 13, 2015

My moderator application for that one website is being reviewed over. <3
My moderator application for that one website is being reviewed over. <3
on July 13, 2015

The best part of the con, was hugging Petra cosplayers. c:
on July 13, 2015

on July 13, 2015

Johari Window - Describe Screaming Weeaboo
Screaming Weeaboo's Johari Window The Johari Window was invented by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the 1950s as a model for mapping personality awareness. By describing yourself from a fixed list of adjectives, then asking your friends and colleagues to describe you from the same list, a grid of overlap and difference can be built up. You are reading this page because Screaming Weeaboo wants to know how you'd describe him or her - pick the five or six words from the list below that you think describe Screaming Weeaboo the best. (You can set up your own Johari Window afterwards, if you like.) Warning: If you're typing in URLs directly, this might not be the Screaming Weeaboo you know, it could just be someone else who's used the name. Ask your Screaming
on July 13, 2015

on July 13, 2015

Don't you ever see those characters.
Like you don't have a crush on them but.
Like you don't have a crush on them but.
on July 13, 2015

Shamchat: Don't be yourself!
A conversation between Petra Ral (PetraHan?) and Hanji Zoe.
on July 13, 2015

on July 13, 2015

@TheSayakaMiki. :p

on July 13, 2015
on July 13, 2015