Akane's Page Memberships

Akane is a member of 23 pages
members group chat!
many people asked qfeast that if they can make a system for a group chat but qfeast said they cant, the only thing you can do for group chatting is on the members chat room. so i decided to make a page for group chatting! have ...
0 subscribers 13 members profile page
Sydney's Church of fabulousity (read description please)
Haha u looked at this for nothing lolol haha I'm so evil haha haha yeah srry.
0 subscribers 8 members profile page
Shipping Page for anything!
You can ship anything in this page. Shows and movies. Characters and actors. Even users on qfeast! You can do anything as long as its shipping. I hope you enjoy this page! :D
21 subscribers 9 members fully opened profile page
The 100+ Followers Page!
Do you have over 100 followers? Here is the place for everyone who does to hang out :D Become a member if you have 100+!
67 subscribers 51 members fully opened profile page
SAO role play page!
Role play for Sword art online! I wanted to do this for the longest time. The sooner and more people come the sooner and better the role play! Make your own character don't take from the actual show (it's more fun that way!) ...
4 subscribers 14 members profile page
the friendly hall of fame
see my poll and i hope youll like to be in the friendly hall of fame!!
0 subscribers 3 members fully opened
Qfeast Marathon
Hello Folks! This is the date the page was created, 19/Aug/13. Two days before my school starts. Anyway, This webpage is for Qfeast contests. Only members are allowed to participate. Anyone who participates without being a memb...
3 subscribers 28 members
Kindness Hall of Fame
There are Hall of Fames for popular people. But why not the kind people? Some people here are so sweet and lovely, and they deserve to be noticed for that! ;)
2 subscribers 7 members fully opened
Weekly Anime Updates
Who loves anime? We do of course! So this is basically a page full of cute anime girls, hot anime guys, maybe even turning famouse people or you into anime form!
1 subscriber 5 members fully opened
guinea pig page
if you have one or want one plz join this page i had 2 but... they both died:(
4 subscribers 2 members fully opened
Prynce's Page
Any manga and anime lovers out there? If there are, this is the place to check out. ;3
1 subscriber 2 members fully opened
Truth or dare!
In this page we ask truth or dare questions! I made this page cause people thought it was a good idea! Feel free to join and leave a comment!
3 subscribers 6 members fully opened
Reader's Page
Do you like to read? Then on this page you will find some story suggestions for people on Qfeast! So, Yeah! :P
2 subscribers 11 members
Join this Page Now!!!
I am trying to get the whole Qfeast to join this page! Please do!!! I will do something for you if you do!
45 subscribers 21 members fully opened profile page
Would you rather...
At this page we ask questions like would you rather THIS or that! Feel free to leave a comment!
3 subscribers 9 members fully opened
Are you a fan of anime?
If you're a fan of anime like me, post the series you like! I like Mermaid Melody, Naruto, Sailor Moon, and Bleach. What do you like?
2 subscribers 4 members fully opened
Who here uses "lol" a lot? I do! If you love to laugh, join this page! Once you're a member, post funny (and appropriate) jokes and wait for the lols!
6 subscribers 9 members
Animal Abuse Needs To STOP!!
This is about animal abuse and how it seriously needs to stop. If you love animals and agree that they don't deserve it please subscribe and request a membership. Please help me make this a very popular page so everyone can see...
827 subscribers 62 members fully opened
R.B.R Official
My new and Improved R.B.R Page. NO HATERS ALLOWED THAT MEANS ZERO! Make sure to join all of our Pages!
0 subscribers 4 members
Language of the Elves
This page is where you learn about the language of the elves. It is really interesting, I promise!!
1 subscriber 5 members