Quincy's Ruling Quiz Yugioh Rulings quiz designed to test your skills in the rules of the popular TCG, Yu-Gi-Oh quincymccoy published on July 15, 2012 Stacked 1/12 Which of the following is the official Konami reasoning for why Inzektor Hopper may activate its effect on the first turn of the duel? It is not correct, Hopper may not activate its effect because one cannot declare an attack on the first turn of the duel. It is an ignition effect, therefore it may be used on any of your turns during the main phase. The fact that Inzektor Hopper may trigger another effect such as the effect of Inzektor Dragonfly. None of the Above are correct 2/12 Can Chthonian Blast be activated during the damage step?Assume nothing is preventing it from missing timing. Yes No Only sometimes :D 3/12 Black Garden is face-up on the opponent's side of the field. You control King Tiger Wanghu and Thunder King Rai-Oh. Both Players have 4 cards in hand. Your opponent just took battle damage. Which of the following answer(s) are true? Hint: 1 choice Your Opponent then Special Summons Tragoedia from his hand. You may negate the summon with Thunder King Raioh Your Opponent activates the Quick effect of Tragoedia, special Summoning it from the hand. Because it was from an effect, you may not negate the summon wit... Black Garden cannot activate in response to the summon of a Tragoedia since it is the damage step Tragoedia can be summoned, and you will gain a Rose Token in faceup attack. Because the attack/defense of Tragoedia is ?/?, it will remain at 1800 Attack. Tragoedia is immediately destroyed upon summoning by the Trigger Effect of King Tiger Wanghu because it has ?/? None of the Above is correct or true. 4/12 If a face-down Fortune Lady Light is returned to the hand by Compulsory Evacuation Device, will its effect activate? Yes No Varies based on region 5/12 Is there a problem with the following series of plays? If yes, state yes then a colon then the misused card. If no, simply state no.Your opponent Normal Summons Machina Gearframe. Activating its effect, adding Machina Fortress to the hand. He discards both Machina Fortress and Jinzo from his hand to Special Summon Machina Fortress from his Graveyard, however you activate Solemn Warning. Your opponent follows by activating Pot of Duality which you negate with Dark Bribe, he draws, then ends his turn. Type answer. Hint: 19 characters 6/12 Your opponent controls Number 39: Utopia, Red Gadget and Number 50: Black Corn when he attacks into your facedown Morphing Jar #2. Which of the following is correct? Red Gadget is returned to the deck, and the 2 XYZ's are returned to the extra deck. Your opponent then reveals cards until 3 monsters are revealed, then sp... Only Red Gadget will be returned since XYZ's cannot be returned to the main deck. Your opponent will then reveal until he has 1 monster, then he special su... Morphing Jar #2 does not activate because it is never flipped in the battle. None of the Above are correct 7/12 Which of the following monster(s) has a Quick Effect? Hint: 2 choices Light and Darkness Dragon Legendary Six Samurai Shi En Scrap Dragon Dark Smog None of the Above has a Quick effect 8/12 Which of the following would result in an IP ban from duelingnetwork based on the current punishment table? Severe Harassment Creating an alternate account to get around a perma-ban due to boosting. Creating 3 alternate accounts to continue advertising a tournament on a duel note. Threatening to send someone to the underworld 9/12 There are 5 killer questions on this exam, :D This would be one of them. Can u guess the others?Can You target Winged Kuriboh Level 9 with Level up? Yes No Phone a Friend? 10/12 If Mask Change is activated, then Macro Cosmos is chained, what happens? The HERO is banished, and then Mask Change does not special summon because no monster was sent to the graveyard A Masked HERO is still summoned with the same attribute as the Banished HERO Brainfart. Can i call Shane for help? 11/12 If Junk Warrior is flipped facedown by Book of Moon, can it be targeted by Synchro Strike after being flipped face-up on the next turn? Yes No I'm having a senior moment, so cant remember. 12/12 Effect Veiler may negate the effect of a monster... For the whole turn, regardless of where it may ACTIVATE Which has a continuous effect While Dimensional Fissure is Faceup from a previous turn For the whole turn, regardless of where it may RESOLVE. Any of the Above could finish the statement