Yugioh Ruling Test A yugioh ruling test for people who want to know if they're judge material. zak.crane.9 published on June 04, 2012 Stacked 1/16 What text makes it so a card can miss timing? When If you can When you can 2/16 Can LSS : Shi En Negate Solemn Warning? yes no 3/16 Can Stardust Dragon negate Solemn Warning? yes no 4/16 Joey attacks Billy's Ally of Justice Catastor with his Neo Spacian Grand Mole. Mole is destroyed by Catastor's effect Both effects attempt to form a chain. The turn player's effect forms chain link 1. Catastor is Chain Link 2 and Mole is destroyed. Both effects attempt to activate and do not form a chain. Since Joey attacked, his effect will resolve first. Catastor will return to the extra deck. Both effects will activate and will form a chain. Because mole is not mandatory, it will be chain link 2. Catastor will return to the extra deck and resolve ... Catastor will return to the extra deck and then it will send mole from Billy's hand to the grave. 5/16 Can you use D.D. Crow to stop the summoning of Master Hyperion when removing an Agent in the grave? yes no 6/16 Can you activate and resolve the effect of Scrap Recycler when Necrovalley is active? Yes No 7/16 Can you judgment a Super polymerization? yes no 8/16 If you Tribute "Treeborn Frog" With Enemy Controler during the standby phase, will it return? It can. It cannot. 9/16 Can you Solemn Warning Fusion Gate yes no 10/16 Zach attacks Tony's Ally of Justice Catastor with XX-Saber Souza after tributing and selecting the effect of "At the start of the Damage Step, if this card battles an opponent's monster: Destroy that monster" Who will be destroyed? Souza Catastor 11/16 Can you activate the effect of "The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter" to increase it's own attack during the Damage Step? yes no 12/16 If you use Mystical Space Typhoon on One for One, is one for one negated? yes no 13/16 If you use D.D. Crow on T.G. Striker before the end phase of the turn it was destroyed, does the other player get the search? Yes No 14/16 If you negate "Treeborn Frog" During the Standby Phase, does it return once again? It can It cannot. 15/16 When using debris dragon, since Debris continues to target when summoning a monster from the grave, is spirit reaper destroyed by it's own effect? yes no 16/16 Can you Solemn Warning Infernity Launcher? yes no